Equip Super and TelstraSuper have signed a binding Heads of Agreement and agreed to proceed with a ‘merger of equals’ between the two funds.

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Automatic cover for new members

If you work for an employer that’s chosen Equip Super as its nominated super fund, you may be eligible to receive default death and total and permanent disablement (TPD) cover through Equip Super. We generally don’t provide default IP cover, you must apply for it.

Our default death and TPD cover in Equip MyFuture is Smart Cover. Smart Cover provides an amount of cover that changes as you age, based on what a typical member may need at certain life stages.

  • Death cover starts at lower levels while you're young and increases until you reach your mid-forties, to reflect the financial commitments many members may have at this stage of their lives.
  • TPD cover is provided at higher levels through middle age, then gradually decreases as members generally have larger super balances and changing financial needs.
  • If you join Equip Super through your employer which has a specific insurance offering, your cover will be different to Smart Cover. Check your PDS for more details on your cover.
Types of cover

Our insurance products are designed to support you when you need them most so you can choose the right cover for your needs, at the right time.

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If you don’t work for an Equip Super employer

If you join Equip Super directly, or work for an employer who hasn’t chosen Equip Super as its nominated super fund, you won’t receive any default insurance cover.

However, you can still apply for death, TPD, or IP cover at any time online by logging into Member Online, or completing a Change insurance cover form and a Personal statement.

Personal statement

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To be eligible for death and TPD cover in Equip Super, you must be:

  • An Australian resident, i.e. an Australian citizen, a person holding a valid Australian visa with permission to work in Ausrtalia, or a New Zealand citizen who is residing and working in Australia, and
  • Older than 15, and
  • For death cover, younger than 70, and
  • For TPD cover, younger than 65.

These are known as the eligibility conditions. You need to meet these conditions to obtain cover in Equip Super.

To be eligible to receive cover automatically:

  • You must meet the eligibility conditions shown above, and
  • You must not already have another account in the Fund, and
  • You must not be applying for, intending to apply for, or have been paid a TPD or terminal illness benefit from another super fund or Australian life insurer, and
  • You must not have previously advised us that you don’t want to receive automatic cover, and
  • We must receive an employer contribution for you within 120 days of starting with your new employer.                    

You’ll receive default death and TPD cover automatically, provided you’ve met the eligibility and automatic cover conditions shown above, once we’ve received an employer contribution for you after your Equip Super account reaches $6,000 and you’re 25 or older.

If your employer pays for your insurance cover, you’ll receive default cover as soon as you join.

Your default cover will be limited cover

Limited cover means you aren't covered for pre-existing conditions. You're covered for any illness diagnosed, or injury that occurs, after your cover starts. If you pay the cost of your own default cover, it will be limited cover from the date it starts until you have been at work for 30 consecutive days (this includes weekends and public holidays). You can find out more in the Insurance in your super guide.

To switch on your default cover when you join

Typically, if you meet the eligibility conditions and automatic acceptance conditions outlined above, your default cover will then automatically begin once:

  • your account reaches $6,000, 

  • you’re 25 years or older, and

  • we’ve received another employer contribution for you after you’ve met the above thresholds. 

However, you don’t have to wait until these three final conditions are met. Instead, you can elect to switch on your cover earlier if you want to (just note that you’ll still need to meet the eligibility and automatic acceptance conditions shown above).

You can switch on your default cover within 30 days of the date shown on your welcome letter, without having to complete underwriting, either online or by completing the Member options form.

Your cover will start on the date that we receive your request. You can find out more in the Insurance in your super guide.

For more information

Detailed information about default death and TPD cover, including eligibility conditions, conditions on automatic cover, and the level, type and costs of cover, can be found in the Equip MyFuture PDS and Insurance in your super guide.

We're here to help

If you have any queries about your insurance cover, or if you’d like to talk to someone about the types of cover that may suit your needs, our team can help.

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