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Planning your next chapter

When is the right time to retire? What will your retirement look like? How much money will you need – and how long will it need to last? This selection of resources will help you get up to speed with the basics.

Retirement basics

When will you retire? What will you do? How much will you need? We look at some of the retirement basics

Take a look
Accessing your super

You’ve spent years building up your super – so how do you access your money once it’s time to retire?

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How much will you need?

It’s the golden question – but the answer is different for everyone. These tips and tools will help you determine what you’re aiming for.

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Investing your retirement savings

Get across the investment basics and understand your options when it comes to investing your retirement savings.

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Talk to a retirement expert

Our retirement specialists can answer the big retirement questions you might be too shy to ask (or even just the small ones). We’ll provide you with guidance and support regarding your retirement options, answer your retirement questions or help you to set up a retirement account.

Have a general enquiry? Contact our Helpline.

Retirement explained

Getting a little support and guidance from the experts can make a big difference when it comes to choosing the right products for your next chapter and helping you make the move to retirement in the way you want to. And our team is here to help.

Sources of income in retirement

You know where your income is coming from today, but where will it come from when you’re ready to embark on your next chapter?

Funding your retirement

A handy guide to sources of income in retirement and how they can work together.

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Retirement income streams

Explore the different types of retirement income streams and how they work.

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Transition to retirement strategy explained

Transition to retirement strategy – how it works and some key benefits.

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couple in front of house

Equip Super’s retirement products

Whether you want to transition to retirement or retire fully – we’ll help you do it your way.

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Keys to a great retirement

You’re opening the door to an exciting new chapter in your life. It’s your chance to refire, rewire, and renew. So what does it take to truly retire well? We’ve got a range of thought starters and resources to help you get the most out of your next chapter.

Learn more
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See how you’re tracking

How’s your future balance shaping up? How much income will you have in retirement, and how long will it last? Use our retirement calculator to run some numbers.

Try our retirement calculator

The value of expert advice

Getting a little support and guidance from the experts can make a big difference to your next chapter. Find out how.

Join our award-winning fund

Plan for your future with the industry fund that works hard for you.

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