Ready to be a Director? Find out more: Member Director, or Employer Director. Nominations close Tuesday 2 July 2024.

Super and retirement – putting it all together

Getting access to your super

All you need to know about how and when you can access your super.            

Accessing your super
Key sources of income in retirement

From retirement accounts to the Government Age Pension, we look at different sources of income in retirement and how to combine them.

Your next chapter
Transition to retirement explained

How does 'transition to retirement compare with simply retiring, and what might work for you?

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How Retirement Income accounts work

See how payments from a retirement income stream work, including payment frequency, payment limits, and other payment rules.

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Events and seminars

Learn more about retirement, what’s involved, and how to prepare – so you can plan and retire with confidence. And there’s no extra cost for Equip Super members – it’s all part of your membership.

Register now
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How are you tracking?

How’s your future balance shaping up? How much income will you have in retirement, and how long will it last? Use our retirement calculators to run some numbers. 

Try our calculators

Let’s start planning your next chapter

Your journey starts today

Whether it’s years away or just around the corner, now is the best time to start planning your next chapter. Take a look at these thought starters.

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Are you ready to retire?

How much money will you need? How do you invest your retirement savings? We’re here to help you build your knowledge, plan with confidence, and retire well.

Your next chapter starts here
The value of expert advice

Getting a little support and guidance from the experts can make a big difference to your next chapter. Find out how.

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Products for your retirement

Whether you’re wanting to make a gradual transition to retirement, or you’re ready to retire fully – we’ve got a choice of products, so you can retire your way.

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Our strategy, for your future

Equip Super’s Retirement Income Strategy is an opportunity to build on what we do every day to help our members achieve their best possible retirement outcomes.

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Explore and learn

Ready to build your knowledge and grow your confidence? Discover our interactive modules on super, retirement, investing and more, as well as information tailored to your life stage.

Start exploring

Featured articles

Retirement |
Quarterly retirement investment update: May 2024
All Equip Super retirement income investment options have posted positive returns for the March quarter. Read More
Retirement |
Can I work part-time in retirement?
Retirement is changing. People are living longer, they’re remaining active, and they’re looking at ways to maintain their lifestyle. Increasingly, that means taking up some part-time work.  Read More
Retirement |
How to keep active in Retirement
Everyone approaches retirement differently. But those early days as you transition from full-time work can be challenging, and it’s important to have a plan in place. Read More

Need some help with your application?

Remember – we’re here to help, and that includes stepping you through the application process if you need a hand.  

Our Retirement Centre can answer your questions, assist with your application, and help you take the next step in your retirement journey. Call us today or request an appointment to get started.

Have a general enquiry? Contact our Helpline.

Join our award-winning fund

Plan for your future with the industry fund that works hard for you.

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