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Here you can find the latest information about our holdings, updated to 31 December 2023.

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XLSX 257269 KB

MySuper (Super)

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CSV 128107 KB

MySuper (Super)

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XLSX 250898 KB

Growth Plus (super)

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CSV 120942 KB

Growth Plus (super)

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XLSX 257048 KB

Growth (super)

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CSV 120842 KB

Growth (super)

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XLSX 254754 KB

Balanced Growth (super)

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CSV 122810 KB

Balanced Growth (super)

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XLSX 262853 KB

Balanced (super)

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CSV 122728 KB

Balanced (super)

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XLSX 247899 KB

Capital Stable (super)

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CSV 115839 KB

Capital Stable (super)

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XLSX 233208 KB

Index Diversified (super)

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CSV 92171 KB

Index Diversified (super)

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XLSX 151845 KB

Future Focus (super)

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CSV 22141 KB

Future Focus (super)

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XLSX 150773 KB

Australian Shares (super)

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CSV 21093 KB

Australian Shares (super)

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XLSX 229465 KB

Overseas Shares (super)

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CSV 94664 KB

Overseas Shares (super)

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XLSX 136817 KB

Diversified Fixed Interest (super)

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CSV 7469 KB

Diversified Fixed Interest (super)

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XLSX 133927 KB

Cash (super)

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CSV 5033 KB

Cash (super)

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XLSX 256368 KB

Defined Benefit (super)

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CSV 120677 KB

Defined Benefit (super)

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XLSX 254116 KB

Growth Plus (pension)

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CSV 116608 KB

Growth Plus (pension)

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XLSX 255955 KB

Growth (pension)

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CSV 119182 KB

Growth (pension)

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XLSX 254947 KB

Balanced Growth (pension)

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CSV 124467 KB

Balanced Growth (pension)

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XLSX 256739 KB

Balanced (pension)

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CSV 121518 KB

Balanced (pension)

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XLSX 303165 KB

Capital Stable (pension)

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CSV 143523 KB

Capital Stable (pension)

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XLSX 232135 KB

Index Diversified (pension)

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CSV 90145 KB

Index Diversified (pension)

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XLSX 150681 KB

Future Focus (pension)

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CSV 20672 KB

Future Focus (pension)

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XLSX 151436 KB

Australian Shares (pension)

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CSV 21489 KB

Australian Shares (pension)

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XLSX 238761 KB

Overseas Shares (pension)

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CSV 96351 KB

Overseas Shares (pension)

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XLSX 136650 KB

Diversified Fixed Interest (pension)

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CSV 7264 KB

Diversified Fixed Interest (pension)

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XLSX 134280 KB

Cash (pension)

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CSV 5030 KB

Cash (pension)

Important information

The portfolio holdings disclosure is updated twice a year for holdings as at 30 June and 31 December.

The dollar values, unit numbers and weight percentages have all been rounded either to whole numbers or to two decimal points. 

Investments may be classified differently in this disclosure to other publications and elsewhere on our website. The disclosure of investments for this purpose has been prepared/classified to comply with the Portfolio Holdings Disclosure legislative requirements.

Internally managed investments are those managed by Togethr Trustees Pty Ltd (ABN 64 006 964 049; AFSL 246383), on behalf of Equipsuper Superannuation Fund (ABN 33 813 823 017).


Equipsuper's Valuation Methodology

Our approach to valuation of investment assets aligns with the processes outlined by APRA's prudential practice guide SPG 531.0 Valuations and Australian Accounting Standards. Investment assets are valued using the most recent and accurate valuations available.

Listed and traded securities: Investments listed on an Australian or international securities exchange are valued at the "last trade price". This is the price at which the most recent trade on that security was executed on its respective securities exchange.

Unlisted investments: Equipsuper's unlisted investments are valued independently, by a valuation agent or administrator appointed by the investment manager. Valuation techniques including discounted cash flow methodology, recent comparable transactions, and listed market comparision are generally used as appropriate for the relevant investment.

Currency conversion: Where applicable, the Fund uses WM/Reuters benchmark foreign exchange rates that are set in London at 4pm daily (GMT) for investment valuation, unit pricing and performance measurement.

These documents have been prepared without taking into consideration your personal financial needs, circumstances or objectives. Prior to making any investment decisions, we recommend that you read the Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination, and seek expert advice from a licensed or authorised financial adviser.

Issued by: Togethr Trustees Pty Ltd (Trustee)
ABN 64 006 964 049; AFSL 246383
Equipsuper Superannuation Fund (ABN 33 813 823 017)

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