Equip Super and TelstraSuper have signed a binding Heads of Agreement and agreed to proceed with a ‘merger of equals’ between the two funds.

Find out more

Our Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) provide you with essential information to help you understand Equip Super’s key features including fees, insurances, and investment options.

Please refer to the relevant Target Market Determination (TMD) for the product and consider the information in the PDS and the TMD.


MyFuture is our standard accumulation product offered through many participating employers, and for members who choose Equip Super themselves.


How super works

PDF 1218874 KB

How we invest your money

PDF 15347686 KB

Fees and other costs

PDF 1187646 KB

Insurance in your super

PDF 1361739 KB

For members who are starting to think about retirement or are already retired.

Transition to Retirement Income

For members who are starting to think about retirement.

Transition to Retirement Income account

Retirement Income account

For members who are fully retired.

Retirement Income account

Please note that most of our DB plans are closed to new entrants. To find out more about your specific benefit, please contact us.

Product disclosure statement
Product disclosure statement

Employer partners


How super works

PDF 1218874 KB

How we invest your money

PDF 15347686 KB

Fees and other costs

PDF 1188394 KB

Insurance in your super

PDF 1294747 KB

Retained employees and spouse


How super works

PDF 1218874 KB

How we invest your money

PDF 15347686 KB


Fees and costs

PDF 1190178 KB

Insurance in your super

PDF 1255020 KB

Change insurance cover

PDF 1510498 KB

Retained employees and spouse

Fees and costs

PDF 1189240 KB

Insurance in your super

PDF 1235995 KB

Change insurance cover

PDF 1660959 KB


How super works

PDF 1218874 KB

How we invest your money

PDF 15347686 KB

Fees and other costs

PDF 1187859 KB

Insurance in your super

PDF 1294177 KB


How super works

PDF 1218874 KB

How we invest your money

PDF 15347686 KB

Fees and other costs

PDF 1190131 KB

Insurance in your super

PDF 1291726 KB

Change insurance cover

PDF 1291726 KB


How super works

PDF 1218874 KB

How we invest your money

PDF 15347686 KB

Fees and other costs

PDF 1187896 KB

Insurance in your super


PDF 1295999 KB


PDF 1295590 KB


How super works

PDF 1218874 KB

How we invest your money

PDF 15347686 KB

Fees and other costs

PDF 1188382 KB

Insurance in your super

PDF 1319474 KB


How super works

PDF 1218874 KB

How we invest your money

PDF 15347686 KB

Fees and other costs

PDF 1188208 KB

Insurance in your super

PDF 1285133 KB


How super works

PDF 1218874 KB

How we invest your money

PDF 15347686 KB

Fees and other costs

PDF 1189588 KB

Insurance in your super

PDF 1294885 KB


How super works

PDF 1218874 KB

How we invest your money

PDF 15347686 KB

Fees and other costs

PDF 1189588 KB

Insurance in your super

PDF 1297853 KB


How super works

PDF 1218874 KB

How we invest your money

PDF 15347686 KB

Fees and other costs

PDF 1189588 KB

Insurance in your super

PDF 1286923 KB

Additional information

Not sure what’s right for you?

A financial planner can take the guesswork out of retirement. Book a time for an initial conversation and we can help you map out your retirement goals, supporting services, and next steps. 

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Plan for your future with the profit-to-member industry fund that works hard for you.

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‡The rating is issued by SuperRatings Pty Ltd ABN 95 100 192 283 (SuperRatings) a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No.1309956) of Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561, AFSL No. 421445. Ratings are general advice only and have been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. Consider your personal circumstances, read the product disclosure statement and seek independent financial advice before investing. The rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any product. Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Ratings are subject to change without notice and SuperRatings assumes no obligation to update. SuperRatings use proprietary criteria to determine awards and ratings and may receive a fee for the use of its ratings and awards. Visit superratings.com.au for ratings information. © 2024 SuperRatings. All rights reserved.