Equip Super and TelstraSuper have signed a binding Heads of Agreement and agreed to proceed with a ‘merger of equals’ between the two funds.

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Key information

Invests in growth assets such as shares, property and infrastructure, which are expected to earn higher returns over the long term, with the balance invested in more stable assets like cash, fixed interest securities and other defensive assets.

  • Growth/defensive split: 54% / 46%

Who this option is designed for

This option is designed to offer a balance between risk and return for defined benefit sub-plans.  If you are a member of a defined benefit sub-plan you may be invested in this option, but it is not available as a choice to any members of the Fund.

Investment objective

Achieve a net return of at least 2.5% p.a. above CPI over rolling 10-year periods.

Minimum investment timeframe

The minimum suggested timeframe to invest is 10 years.

Standard risk measure

The risk level of this option is medium to high, with a likelihood of negative returns occurring 3.0 years in a 20-year period.

Benchmark asset allocation

Asset Class Permitted Range Benchmark Allocation
Australian shares 0-31% 17 %
Overseas shares 0-30% 21 %
Property 0-25% 7 %
Infrastructure 0-25% 7 %
Alternatives 0-30% 10 %
Alternative fixed interest 0-30% 15 %
Traditional fixed interest 0-30% 15 %
Cash 0-30% 8 %

Your questions answered

If you’ve got any questions about your Equip Super investment options and how we manage your money, our team is ready to help.