Ready to be a Director? Find out more: Member Director, or Employer Director. Nominations close Tuesday 2 July 2024.

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Man standing facing camera
Don’t be shy, because we’ve got the answers. Our Retirement Centre offers personalised one-on-one support on all things retirement (even if you’re not a member). Our team of experts is ready to answer the big retirement questions you might be too shy to ask (and the small ones). They can provide practical information and general advice to help you navigate the transition from working life to retirement.

Contact our Retirement Centre:

Have a general enquiry? Contact our Helpline.

Retirement income made easy

You don’t have to be a retirement expert, but it helps to know someone who is. We’ve got flexible retirement income products that you can tailor to meet your income needs, as well as one-to-one service to ensure you’re supported every step of the way.

Open a Transition to Retirement Income account

A Transition to Retirement Income account gives you flexibility as you begin to move into retirement. You can potentially scale back your work hours, reduce your tax, and continue to grow your super, all while maintaining your income.

Open a Transition to Retirement Income account
Open a Retirement Income account

A Retirement Income account provides you with regular income payments to support you when you fully retire. You can team it with the Government's Age Pension (if you’re eligible), and tailor it to suit your retirement lifestyle.

Open a Retirement Income account

Equip Super – we’re here for your retirement

We’ve been helping Australians make the move into retirement for years. Whether it’s a gradual transition while still keeping a toe in the workplace, or fully embracing the retirement lifestyle – we’ve got the support, products and the services you need to find the pathway to retirement that suits you best.

Profit-to-member industry fund

Our profits are used to benefit our members – not external shareholders or parent companies. 

Solid, long-term performance

With our history of strong, long-term investment returns, we’re delivering solid results for your future. 

View our investment returns
Competitive fees

We work hard to keep our fees low, so more of your money stays in your account for your future. 

Compare our fees
Dedicated retirement support services

Our Retirement Centre offers specialist one-on-one support when planning your retirement.  

Visit the Retirement Centre

Featured articles

Planning and advice |
Can I work part-time in retirement?
Retirement is changing. People are living longer, they’re remaining active, and they’re looking at ways to maintain their lifestyle. Increasingly, that means taking up some part-time work.  Read more
Planning and advice |
Retirement income explained
Building up a healthy superannuation balance is important, but how you access and invest your money in retirement will determine how long it lasts.  Read more
Retirement |
The Age Pension explained
The Age Pension is a government initiative, designed to support Australians in retirement and provide a financial safety net. To be eligible, you must meet specific criteria. Read more

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Plan for your future with the industry fund that works hard for you.

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